Thursday, May 30, 2019

 GOAL : The main ingredient for the recipe - SUCCESS.

In my last article, we agreed that every progressive step of the Journey and every Milestone/Destination achieved is Success.
So, for all practical purposes we can say that Success is, quite simply, the accomplishment of a predetermined goal. 
Consciously or subconsciously we set goals for ourselves all the time. "Success" is to manage to actualise these goals or targets on a regular basis.



There are multiple ingredients required for a successful recipe and most of them are of significant importance. But, there is always a main ingredient for each recipe. 
You cannot make Paneer Makhani with every other ingredient available if there is no Paneer. 
Likewise, Success being the accomplishment of a predetermined goal, the GOAL is that main ingredient required for the recipe - SUCCESS.

Its not about just how much progress we’ve made, but how we measure progress towards achieving our goals


Goal is the destination you would be undertaking the journey to. No Destination = No successful Journey, irrespective of where you reach. 
In order to achieve the success we spend our lives chasing, we first need to define our goals.  
No Goals - No Success, irrespective of what you achieve.


"Keep putting the effort and success shall be yours"- isn't the whole truth. Efforts put in the wrong direction could lead you away from Success. Faster, Harder and Longer that you put in that effort, farther away you could get from Success. This is one the common mistake that leaves people wondering at some point in life "what went wrong? why despite working so hard and achieving so many social benchmarks, they don't feel the sense of Success?" Midlife crisis is an aftereffect of this syndrome.

That is why in order to make the effort productive, it's of paramount importance that you know what's your Destination in Life. Know exactly what you want to achieve, where you want to reach, what you want to have. 
If you could have it in your mind, you will have it realised.

The speed of your journey, the efforts you would put, the pains you willing to endure, the obstacles you willing to overcome, the handicaps you had to work with, all shall depend on the GOALs you are pursuing and how important they are in your heart.


Any Journey will be accomplished through small milestones but you need to be aware of your  final destination. Without that, you would risk the Journey to not commence at all, let alone it to be a successful one.

This FINAL DESTINATION, may and will change a bit over time but for that few intermediate milestones could be readjusted.

So keep a bigger picture in mind. Have a Vision. Keep it Big. Let all your desires be part of it. Don't listen to the world that says "to desire is bad". I think they are misinterpreting "unfulfilled desires breed evil" because the best way to put any desire to rest is to FULFILL it.
Also remember, whatever has been achieved across ages had first been someone's desire, was the destination for someone who held this desire as GOAL that was big in his/her heart. 
So don't be a miser as to what you would like your Success to encompass, don't be scared thinking of the efforts you would need to put in order to achieve them. Just take a dive within your heart and look what it beats for, what will give it the Happiness and Peace - THAT IS YOUR SUCCESS....End of the day That's YOUR DRIVING FORCE....

So, Go for it with all you got and all your might. May the universe be with you.

Now, that we agree on the DRIVING FORCE, how do we use it, what do we do with it...?  I Shall be covering the next steps as to how to go about creating success in life in the following articles? Keep watching this space for more ... Have an AWESOMEAzing LIFE - TADA

Harish Kumar

Monday, May 27, 2019

SUCCESS - A Journey or Destination
Success, probably the most sought for, yet the most confusing aspect ever known...

Everybody strives to be successful at what he or she does but there is a commonly prevalent confusion which keeps people wondering about it.

Is it a Destination, or a Journey? What are the ingredients of its recipe? Do all the ingredients have equal weightage? These questions often contribute to this confusion.

In this series of articles, I will share a few insights to sort out the jumble....


Some say Success is achieving a Goal, reaching a Destination while some argue that Success is not a Destination, it’s a Journey.... So what really is Success!?

This question can easily be put to rest as it is neither individually, but Both. Success is the Journey one undertakes to reach the Destination called SUCCESS...
Like any production process where the raw material used is actually the finished product from another production process and the finished product from this one is going to feed as the raw material for another one, SUCCESS too is a series of activities undertaken leading to bigger achievements.


This contiguity of the Journey leading to the Destination  that initiates the next step to the Journey is what is the very essence of  life. The Journey is what keeps us going and it's the Destination that gives Courage and Joy required to continue the pursuit.
So depending on where one is, Success will mean different things to everyone....


If it’s a JOURNEY, how to ascertain if you are on the right path or road ? If you think it’s a destination, would you say you have arrived?
When you undertake a climbing expedition, would you be able to commence the climb if you didn't know your Summit? And if you don't relish every step of the climb, isn't it going to be too overbearing to continue the climb for long??

So to conclude: the Journey and Destination of Success are the attestation of each other. Every milestone reached from where you have the next destination in view, is a confirmation of you being on the right track. When the view of the PATH and your DESTINATION ahead is so inspiring that you loose interest in looking back, the Journey so far and the Destination you arrived at are BOTH a SUCCESS for sure.

As Christopher Morley very aptly put: "There is only one success – to be able to spend your life in your own way.” OR as Mr Nightingale defines success “the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal.

Having said that, Success is both the Journey and the Destination, I believe enjoying the JOURNEY, relishing every progressive step, celebrating every milestone achieved makes the experience more fun and eases out pain from the challenges we got to overcome to ensure we pursue the journey to the next Destination in life.-- You are already successful if you are MOVING towards your GOALS!

Now, what are the Key ingredients to the recipe of Success? What are the DOs and the DONTs of this recipe. I Shall be covering how to go about creating success in life in the following articles? Keep watching this space for more ... Have an AWESOMEAzing LIFE - TADA

Harish Kumar