Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Mantra for Success Part : Goal Setting by Sunita Sharma

Mantra for Success Part : Goal Setting by Sunita Sharma

Hello friends and welcome back to AwesomeazingLife.
Thank you for your valuable feedback and comments on my last
After my last video, I got a lot of questions from some of
our subscribers. In this video I would like to address a few of them.             
One of the most asked question is, who should create goals? Is
it important for students or professionals, Or do entrepreneurs and business
owners have more importance of it?
Well, I would like to ask who doesn’t need to sets goals.
Consciously or subconsciously we are setting up goals all the time. Whether it
is passing a certain exam, getting admission in a specific institution, getting
a particular job, buying a house going on a vacation, buying certain car, even
a mobile phone. All of these are goals. When we work towards achieving a
certain thing or task that is a goal. Big or small doesn't matter.
It is such a natural need, just like breathing, that many a
times we end up doing it without even realising. However, if we train ourselves
to consciously be in control of setting up, prioritizing and putting together a
game plan to reach our goals, we would be able to achieve so much more in our
life. It is an exercise that everyone needs to do, irrespective of any
categorization (age, gender, line of work etc).
There was also a lot of confusion and anxiety as to how do
you create goals or how do you set goals?
Well, best way is to start small. Have you heard of a term
called bucket list? That’s your starting point. Sit with yourself and try to
identify how you want to your life, that project, task at hand….  to be? What are the things you would want to
have? Whether you talking of your life goals or KRA’s is in your workplace, a
vacation or anything else, draw a complete picture of it in your mind as if it
is laid-out in front of you. Visualize it...
Like I said, it doesn’t matter big or small, a Goal is a
Goal. Remember, if you have done it in your mind, you can do it in reality for
Another question that someone asked me was, even when we
have goals or things in the bucket list, why don’t we work towards achieving
Well, drawing up a plan for anything you desire is a fancy
flight that we all love. However, making it happen asks for efforts. You will
have to face challenges, hurdles, and hardships at many junctions. And if your
reason is not strong enough we will never put in the right effort
Your willingness to put in the efforts, determination to go
past every challenge and the perseverance to go an extra mile  to achieving anything in your life is
directly proportional to how important it is to you and what will you lose if
you don’t achieve it. We don’t put our efforts because either it is not
important enough or not urgent enough.
as I mentioned earlier, GOALs are the stepping stones to success.
of what you do, defining and planning for your goals can help you achieve more.
down the Goals into small logical tasks. Each task completion will give the
sense of achievement and the satisfaction of hitting a milestone.
have to be BIG in your heart, by the virtue of your passion for it, and not
necessarily by the monetary value of it
for your Goals creates the Drive and Attitude to win in you..
of Goals will bring Success for sure..
If you have any similar
questions, please post it on the comments and we will definitely respond to
Stay tuned for more. Until next

Thursday, August 8, 2019


A very commonly used term yet not part of formal education....

The ultimate and exclusive right conferred lawfully- If you have ownership of something it means that you are the owner; it belongs to you. This is the Definition of Ownership and also how most like to view Ownership as - something I own.

However, I would like to take a look at Ownership from another perspective. For me Ownership means being completely responsible for whatever you own. 

“…Losing to a superior opponent while fighting with everything you’ve got, searching until the very last for a way to win, that my friends is ownership.”
Daniel Flowers

This is how I would like to see Ownership as. 

Taking pride in what you deliver. Ownership means you care about the success of the project. It's not about just doing something that is to be done and hope you reap success but it is more about ensuring everything that needs to be done is done in the absolute perfect way that it is to be done in. It's not just clocking in time and collecting a paycheck... it's about taking responsibility and placing value in the quality of your work. Taking ownership is not just doing a job, or working on a project; it means making it your mission to see it through.

It means you don't give a damn of what the circumstances are or what the world thinks. You are completely consumed with the passion to make it work and accept nothing lesser than the Very Result you had as the Vision when you started working for it.

Yes, Ownership should bring you Pride but shouldn't breed Arrogance. Instead of the ownership boosting up your EGO it must humble you further with the understanding that sits on your shoulder to ensure its well taken care of, appropriately projected to the world and is adequately guarded against anything that could be damaging to it. It should be absolutely clear in your head that more you OWN, more you are RESPONSIBLE. Taking the stance of ownership, we become accountable not only to others but most deeply accountable to ourselves. For an Owner, the values at stake are more intrinsic ones.
As an Owner, I can’t see a person, project or department - any aspect of it failing and say, “It isn’t my job to address it.” even when I am not personally responsible for them. Accountability is required only in the absence of personal responsibility. This is where Ownership and Leadership ceases to be the same. While Owner is simply a title or position, being a Leader (assuming the ownership) is simply a Choice. 

Being faced with the questions like:    
¶ It's not part of my responsibility. 
¶ I wasn’t trained.. 
¶ I’m waiting for ____etc.....
 Highlights a good chance you’ve lapsed in your commitment to take real ownership. Personal ownership makes all the difference during the extenuating circumstances. Excuses are merely a conveyance of what went wrong in the context of not taking personal responsibility for the results.

Owners must find a way to succeed. You Must Take Ownership of Your Success Today - That's an absolute must. So, you must OWN your success and start living in to your new identity. You have more control than you realize. Moreover, Nobody Else, Will ever take you seriously until You Do

Stop waiting to become perfect. Take ownership of becoming Perfect today. Today is as good an Opportunity as it would ever be. Realize now is the best time to begin and start something today.

People who Have Already Done it, weren't necessarily smarter, they took the ownership of first to start and then to keep going after it till they made it. Too much of Analysis often leads to paralysis. So, the faster you get going, the easier it will be to stay motivated. 

Ask yourself:
 If you don’t, who will?
 If not now, when?

Believe that:
You literally have everything you need to begin.

Believe in the reality of your abundance. You have more than enough resources to get started. Trust the Master Plan, Set a Goal and a Game plan, OWN it and go after it with all you got...

Keep watching this space for more ... Have an AWESOMEAzing LIFE - TADA

Harish Kumar