Thursday, June 6, 2019

Belief - The Secret Ingredient

In the last article we talked about how GOALS are the driving forces to SUCCESS. Without knowing what to achieve, you can't be certain if the Achievement is really a SUCCESS for you.
Goal is the "power" to help steer your way to SUCCESS. But then what good is a Power that you don't even Believe in.

Success is all about BELIEF, starting with believing in yourself. Successful people believe: in their ideas, in their determination, in their persistence, in other people and, most importantly, in themselves. If you believe you can, odds are you probably will. You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.

This BELIEF drives your actions that helps you to be successful. Strong belief, triggers the mind into figuring out the ways and means to do something.
When you believe, it comes out in your body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions. It builds the Confidence of others in you and begins the required momentum for the journey of SUCCESS.
Success demands good relationships with others, and a lack of belief can be a problem. When people don't believe, their relationships fade a bit.

Belief brings Commitment and Persistence. If there anything you love so much you do it every day and enjoy it every time, most likely it's something you believe in. When we believe in a vision, we have the energy to keep pursuing it. We do what it takes to help bring the vision to life.
Belief impacts Morals. When in doubt, it's an ongoing struggle to stay motivated. However, when you believe in a possibility of achieving something, you'll bring your full creativity to bear and will pursue it relentlessly. 

Psychologist Marty Seligman relates in his book "Authentic Happiness" that we're happiest when using our personal strengths to overcome challenges, all while doing something we believe makes a difference. People are happiest doing what they find worthwhile. In fact, people often work harder for fewer rewards for causes linked to deep BELIEF.

Now, there is a good chance that there could be situations when you may not have the confidence you need to move forward with your dream, idea or next step. You may not have the required BELIEF in place. What do you do in such situations?

Borrow the Belief For Success. Yes, tap into the knowledge of someone that you respect & believe in. Surround yourself with other people who think like you, who are growth-minded and also believe in you.

It has been said that you become the average of the five people who you spend the most time with.
Doing so will keep you from getting in your own head and filling it with self-limiting beliefs. You won't have to rely on your own beliefs when you have someone else’s belief to borrow.

While, borrowing someone else’s belief works, it is only for a while. It does not work forever.
So, when you borrow someone else’s beliefs, you must try new things. And when you are successful in doing those things, you need to use that Success to start building your own belief. 
Eventually, you will start to rely on your own Belief more than the other's. Trust me, it's a great feeling when you start to make that transition from borrowed belief to intrinsic belief.
A solid Belief system can take you a long way. When you master your belief system, there is very little that can stop the inevitable:  massive Success. The pursuit of success has its roots in BELIEF. You cannot see what you don’t look for, and you cannot look for what you don’t believe in.

Will continue to dwell more into the the Journey to Success in life in the following articles? Keep watching this space for more ... Have an AWESOMEAzing LIFE - TADA

Harish Kumar


  1. Wonderful article.
    Belief translates into actions, which tralslates into success.

  2. Great Secret ingredient.....Very Benificial..

  3. Waooo....this is something great to hear sir..!!! Read it twice to understand the inner meaning 😊

  4. Amazing.. Felt like the pep talk we always got before our matches.. Very well written harish uncle!!

  5. I think this article I relate to my belief system. I understand the deeper meaning of belief and it's importance to reach goal for the success that I am always looking in when I joined this amazing opportunity. Thank you for helping me out sit.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


  7. Great Article Sir!!
    This is the main problem with the general people like us.
    Until & unless U belive in yourself, U cannot achieve anything in your life...
    Belief is the only weapon that can use to shape ur dream into REALITY....
