Sunday, June 23, 2019


Knowledge is the key to success. Whether it is from high school, college, a trade school, job experience or even from a real life experience, all are stepping stones to developing a well-rounded understanding of the real world. This understanding has a paramount impact on how smoothly can you traverse through the path to your Destination.

Knowledge Is Different From Information

Often Knowledge and Information is confused to be one and the same. It is NOT.

Information is nothing but the refined form of data, which is helpful to understand the meaning. On the other hand, Knowledge refers to the awareness or understanding on the subject acquired from education or experience of a person. It is the relevant and objective information that helps in drawing conclusions, understand the change coming their way or the change they need to make to successfully tread forward.

Change is an absolute must to Succeed. 

So in order to Succeed, you kneed to be aware and in grips with that Change. There are three things that that are required to be Successful: 

😀  You must have the Knowledge to be able to see  the Change coming. Else, the Change will take you down before you know what hit you.
😀  You must have the Knowledge to recognize change before the competition.
😀  If you wait until change is easy to see, you’ve already lost.

So, to capitalize on the opportunities that Life presents, you must be equipped to capture the Change coming your way.

Next, whenever you are starting anything new, it requires preparation! Getting ready to embark on any initiative requires building an understanding of the responsibilities that you’ll be undertaking. Having a general knowledge of what to expect on the way is a bare minimum MUST. It can be very difficult and frustrating if you start blindly, and have no idea what’s going on. The world will not arrange itself according to what you expect and desire. In a rapidly changing, dynamic world the one thing you can’t do without is reliable, authentic knowledge. The more you know the more you are prepared for.

So is knowledge the key to success?

Yes, it indeed is but in today's world that is  rapidly changing, it’s more about how you know! than  what you know.

Reliable knowledge doesn’t come from looking for reasons to think that you are right. The kind of knowledge that you need comes from looking for reasons that you are wrong! If the idea is strong, then challenges will only make it stronger. On the other hand, if an idea can’t withstand that kind of scrutiny it is better to find out now than to wait until it matters.

Irrespective of which path you take, it's important to always remember that the to key to success is knowledge and experience.

Knowledge is Power

It's often heard and said that Knowledge is Power. There couldn't be a more true statement than this. One who has acquired skills in any domain is self-sufficient enough to conduct his affairs efficiently. Person with knowledge does not believe in speculations or perceptions presented to him that are not supported with real facts. Basis of his knowledge he could eradicate superstition and create an environment of awareness. 

Knowledge have the power to create great leaders. 

Leaders with Power of knowledge are respected by their followers. They are looked up to by their followers for ideas and suggestions. But the same could not be said about a leader who himself lacks knowledge and is not well-read. Hence the 'Knowledge is Power' that enables for influencing the Change for Success.

Effort is important, but knowing where to make an effort makes all the difference!

Keep Learning, Keep Growing. Don’t give up!

Will continue to dwell more into the the Journey to Success in life in the following articles? Keep watching this space for more ... Have an AWESOMEAzing LIFE - TADA

Harish Kumar

1 comment:

  1. Knowledge is not Power, but Applied Knowledge is Power.
    What is use of the knowledge if I have not applied it for a greater good? People go to schools and colleges and get degrees after degrees but what good is that knowledge if we are not using it for helping others?
